Yo fo shizzle my whizzle that wuz a sizzle flizzle. Nice jizzle.
Yo fo shizzle my whizzle that wuz a sizzle flizzle. Nice jizzle.
damn strizzy it was a hizzy lemon squeezy
Jeez! think of your own ideas!
I gave u a 3 for effort, and i can tell you that if u think of some good idea, then you mite make it to the weekly top 20. good luk. ( be original)
Weekly top 20 huh ? That's nice to say :)
Well, I think the ideas were pretty good, and it's a tribute, so it's normal it's not my idea, it was originally made for the Time Trial, which is out tomorrow. You'll see the haughtness.
Thanks for the review.
worst peice of SHITTTT in history,!!!!!
R U SERIOUS DUDE? That was the worst peice of shit ive ever seen! That looks like wut my grandma leaves in the toilet. The animation was terrible. ovr all....just go curl up and die asshole.
If you really want to tell the world what a psychotically disturbed moron you are, instead of writing needlessly insulting reviews, why don't you go and find an amusing way to kill yourself? I'll even help you. Go to switzerland or somewhere where euthenasia is legal. Nobody will miss you. Not even your mother, if you even have one.
flash is fun. Try it.
Age 42
Some ghetto dump
Toronto, ON
Joined on 1/29/04